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Dr. Shigang Yue

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Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL)

The computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL, pronounces sill) aims to provide a roof for a group of people in the University of Lincoln sharing common interests in computational intelligence and its applications to various areas for improving quality of human life and understanding biological systems. It is pioneering biologically inspired visual systems via analysing, modelling and realization, seeking for unique solutions tackling real world challenges. Originated from a research student project, CIL has been gradually formed via running DiPP project to its current status. The group was renamed to CIL in 2010 and officially recognized in 2011. Although CIL is hosted in School of Computer Science, many of its memeber are from other schools or colleges. Naturally, most of its members are also active in other groups or other schools. CIL is looking forward to growing further.


  • Prof. Shigang YUE, Lab Director, Professor of Computer Science, School of Computer Science
  • Dr. Kun GUO, Reader, School of Psychology
  • Dr. Wing-Kuen LING, Reader, School of Engineering, now Professor in Guangdong University of Technology
  • Dr. Amr AHMED, Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science
  • Dr. Nicola BELLOTTO, Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science
  • Prof. George MATHER, Professor of Vision Science, School of Psychology
  • Dr. John MURRAY, Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science
  • Dr. Basabdatta BHATTACHARYA, Lecturer, School of Engineering
  • Dr. Haifeng LIU, Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, EYE2E project,
  • Dr. Wenbin Chen, Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, HAZCEPT project,
  • Prof.Jigen Peng, Senior RF, School of Computer Science, EYE2E/LIVCODE project,
  • Prof. Jiali Hou, Visiting Scholar, from Dongguan University of Science and Technology,
  • Mark N Smith , PhD student, on 3D virtual environments and evolving of bio-neural systems to control aerial agents
  • Pin Shen Teh, former PdD student, on cyber security and user authertication, now working in Malaysia
  • Jiawei Xu, PhD student, on bio-inspired vision systems for pattern recognition,
  • Farshad Arvin, PhD student, on swarm robots,,
  • Gabriel Zahi, PhD student, on bio-inspired vision, nocturnal vision,
  • Daqi Liu, PhD student, on spiking neural networks, now in XJTU for LIVCODE project,,
  • Licheng Shi, Research Assistant, on image sensor for EYE2E project,
  • Guopeng Zhang, Research Assistant, on specific chip design for EYE2E project,
  • Kai Yang, Research Assistant, on optimization for HAZCEPT project,
  • Cheng Hu, PhD student, starts from Sept 2013,
  • Rahman Attar, PhD student, on endoscopic image processing


  • Insect vision systems modelling, simulation, hardware realization and applications
  • Human vision sytems, vision for human machine interaction
  • Intent and dynamic identity recognition
  • Cognitive systems, developmental vision systems
  • Biologically plausible systems, bio-robotics
  • Applications of computational intelligence


  • Prof. Zhu-Hong Zhang, GZU, SoCS/CIL seminar, artificial immune optimization methodologies and applications, 10:30@MC0024 MHAT, MON 09/12/2013, HAZCEPT
  • Prof. Rong Liu, BUAA, Beijing, talks on robotics reseach in Beihang University, 11:30am, @MC0019 MHAT, Wednesday 25/09/2013, HAZCEPT
  • Dr.Yoshifumi Yamawaki, Kyushu University, Japan, gave a talk on neural mechanisms of praying mantis, 2-3pm @MC0019 MHAT, on Tuesday 17/09/2013, LIVCODE
  • Dr. Amr Ahmed visited Tsinghua University and CAS-IA, Beijing, China, Sept/2013, EYE2E/HAZCEPT
  • HAZCEPT has signed contract and will start from 1/April/2013. It focuses on hazard perception for safe driving
  • Dr. John Murray has just visited Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Nov/2012-Jan/2013
  • EYE2E Lincoln site training seminar/CIL methods meeting, 11:00-15:15@MC3108 MHAT Building, Friday,18/05/2012
  • EYE2E Lincoln site workshop, 13:30-15:10@MC0019 MHAT building, Friday,30/03/2012
  • CIL member meet up, 11-12@MC3108 MHAT building, Friday,30/03/2012
  • LIVCODE contract signed, 22/02/2012
  • LIVCODE project is in contract negociation, 22/11/2011
  • Invited talk on swarm intelligence, Dr. SHAN HE, Univ of Brimingham, 3pm COOP, Thursday, 10/11/2011
  • CIL staff member meet up, 12-1pm, MB1011, 10/11/2011


  • Vladimir Belvesky, MSc reserach student on pedestrian collision detection with neural networks
  • Dr. Karl Harmer, Research Fellow on image and signal algorithms development for DiPP
  • Dr. Karen Adams, Research Fellow on psychological experiments for DiPP
  • Matthew Frampton, MComp student on human recognition and following with Rovio mobile robots
  • Anqi Deng, MSc student, vision based gaze direction recognition
  • Marwan Shaker, PhD student, on reinforcement learning for robots and cars (co-supervising with Tom Duckett)
  • Srushiti Dhope, Intern, on whip spider touch neuron models,
  • Dr. Chun Zhang, Reserach Fellow, EYE2E, School of Computer Science,, Tsinghua University
  • Shuanglong Liu, Reserach Assistant, EYE2E,, Tsinghua University
  • Pin Shen Teh, PhD student, on cyber security and user authertication,
  • Yuchao Tang, Research Assistant, EYE2E,, XJTU
  • Prof. Rong LIU, Senior Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, HAZCEPT project,
  • Dr. Haiyang LI, Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, EYE2E project,
  • Prof. Zhu-Hong Zhang, Senior Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, HAZCEPT project,

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Last update 10/12/2013 | University of Lincoln | School of Computer Science | My official home page | Contact me or + 44 1522 837397