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Dr. Shigang Yue

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I have involved in delivering/coordinating the following units

  • CMP9137M Machine Learning (B) (13-14)
  • CMP9033M Research Methods (AB) (coordinating only) (12-13,13-14)
  • CMP3641M Computer Vision and Robotics (A) (11-12)
  • CMP9122M-CMP9033M Research Methods (A) (10-11,11-12)
  • CMP3059M Prefessional Practice (A) (10-11,11-12,12-13,13-14)
  • CMP2062M Softward Engineering and Advance Software Development (A) (10-11)
  • CMP1036M Maths for Computing (B) (10-11)
  • CMP3001 Frontier Technologies (A) (coordinator) (08-09, 09-10)
  • CMP3006 Intelligent Systems (Digital Image Processing) (08-09)
  • CGP3002 Games AI and Simulation (08-09, 09-10)
  • CMP9737 MSc Resesarch Methods and Project Preparation (coordinator) (08-09, 09-10)
  • CMP9735 MSc Games Development Mathematics (coordinating only) (08-09)
  • CMP9739 MSc AI for Games (08-09)
  • CMP9741 MSc Advanced Games Computing Project (coordinator) (08-09)
  • CMP3622 Games AI and Simulation (07-08)
  • CMP1015 Platforms and Scripting (07-08)

I have also involved in supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students.

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Last update 04/10/2012 | University of Lincoln | School of Computer Science | My official home page | Contact me or + 44 1522 837397